How to apply for EU registration certificate in Spain?
If you are planning as a Union citizen to stay in Spain for more than 3 months, you are obliged to register as a resident there. This registration requires an application.
You do not need a visa or residence permit like non-EU citizens in order to reside legally in Spain. As an EU national you must apply for registry and meet certain conditions.
What are the requirements for the right of residency in Spain and what application procedure is required to obtain the registration certificate in Spain?
By answering these questions, you will also be provided with the most important facts on this topic.
My first advice would be: Learn Spanish (at least the basics) before you come to Spain. Many things will be easier for you. Apart from the fact that English is usually not understood (especially by the authorities), Spaniards really appreciate it when you speak to them in their language.
I highly recommend MosaLingua for learning Spanish successfully and easily:
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What is the registration certificate in Spain?
The registration certificate is a document with the official name “Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión”, which confirms the registration as a “residente” in the central register of foreigners/Non-nationals (“Registro Central de Extranjeros”) and as a consequence your right of residency in Spain. It will be issued after you are registered.
Because of the color this document is also called “Green card“.
This document states the name, nationality, address, N.I.E. (“Número de identidad de extranjero” – Non-national identification number) and the date of registration.
By registering as a “residente”, you are considered to be resident in Spain for administrative purposes.
Who has to apply to register?
Art.7 Real Decreto 240/2007 and Art.1 Order PRE/1490/2012
Citizens of a Member State of the European Union (EU), of Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway (other states of the European Economic Area – EEA) and Switzerland who reside in Spain for a period of more than 3 months.
Hereafter briefly called EU citizen or Union citizen.
If you want to know which authorisation is required in your case to live in Spain, then simply take benefit of my expert assistance service.
What are the requirements for the right of residency in Spain?
Art.7 Real Decreto 240/2007
If you want to reside in Spain as an EU-citizen for longer than 3 months you must fulfil one of the following conditions:
a) to work in Spain (employed or self-employed) or
b) (if you do not work in Spain):
- have sufficient resources for yourself and your family members so that you do not become a burden on Spanish social assistance system during the period of residence, and
- having comprehensive health insurance (public or private), contracted either in Spain or in another country, that provides coverage in Spain during the period of your residence, or
For a suitable cover for EU Residency I can recommend the private health insurance from ASSSA:
c) be a student who is enrolled at an approved educational establishment to study or undergo vocational training. And who also has comprehensive health insurance and sufficient financial means for himself and his family members.
d) be a family member from an EU country accompanying or joining an EU citizen who meets the above conditions.
Fulfilling one of those requirements, you have the right to reside in Spain for a period of longer than 3 months and can therefore apply for the registration certificate. Art. 1, Order PRE/1490/2012
Which family members can apply for registry?
Family members from an EU-country who meet the conditions referred to in section d) above.
Family members from a non-EU country must apply for the residence card for family members of an EU citizen.
The entitled family members include: Art. 4 Order PRE/1490/2012
a) If the Union citizen is a student:
- the spouse or registered partner, or
- the children and those of his/her spouse or partner, provided they are dependent on the EU citizen
b) In other cases:
- the spouse or registered partner
- the direct descendants and those of the spouse or registered partner (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) under the age of 21 or they are dependants, and
- the dependent direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse or registered partner (parents, grandparents,…)
What is the application procedure for the registration certificate?
Art. 7 Real Decreto 240/2007 and Art 2 + 3 Order PRE/1490/2012
When do I have to apply (deadline)?
You must apply to register in person within 3 months from the date of entry into Spain.
You do not have to register during the first three months of your stay in Spain but after this period of time you are obliged to do it.
At an Immigration Office/Non-nationals office (“Oficina de Extranjería”) or, failing that, at the relevant local police station (“Comisaría de Policía”) in the province where you intend to stay or establish your residence.
What does the registry cost?
Fee: 12 € for the year 2025
The payment of this fee is made by means of the form: Modelo de tasa 790 Código 012 (“Reconocimientos, Autorizaciones y Concursos”)
Steps to pay the fee:
- Access the form on the website of the National Police (“policía nacional”)
- Fill in the form. Click on the item “Certificado de registro de residente comunitario o Tarjeta de residencia de familiar de un ciudadano de la Unión”.
- Download the filled-in form (“Descargar impreso rellenado”) and print it out
- Go to a bank and pay in the amount or have it debited from your account. (Please note: cash payments at the bank where you do not have an account are only possible on certain days and times)
Later, hand the form (with the bank’s confirmation of payment) to the relevant authority together with the other necessary documents.
You have to pay the fee at a bank before the application can be processed.
What documents do I need to submit (required documents)?
Art. 3 Order PRE/1490/2012
Important note and tip
Make copies of all documents and enclose them. Show the originals at the time of presentation of the application.
In all cases:
1) Official application form
Modelo EX-18 (“Solicitud de inscripción en el Registro Central de Extranjeros_Residencia ciudadano de la UE “) in duplicate, duly filled in and signed. You can also obtain this application from the responsible authority.
2) Confirmation of payment of the fee by means of “Modelo de tasa 790 Código 012”
3) Valid Passport or identity card
4) Proof depending on the case:
Employed workers:
- Certificate of employment (“certificado de empleo”) or
- registered employment contract (“contrato de trabajo”) with the relevant public employment Office or
- Confirmation of registration with the Spanish Social Security scheme (“Seguridad Social”) or authorisation to check the data in the files of the “Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social” (General Social Security Fund)
Self-employed workers:
- Registration in the “Censo de Actividades Económicas” (Register of Economic Activities) or
- Registration in the “Registro Mercantil” (Commercial Register) or
- Confirmation of registration with the Spanish Social Security scheme (“Seguridad Social”) or authorisation to check the data in the files of the “Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social” (General Social Security Fund) or the “Agencia Tributaria” (Tax Agency)
If you do not work in Spain:
- Proof of sufficient resources for yourself and family members for the duration of your stay in Spain and
- Proof of comprehensive health insurance (public or private), contracted in Spain or in another country, which provides coverage in Spain during the period of residence. Furthermore, this insurance must be equivalent to that provided by the national healthcare system in Spain.
As a Pensioner you can present the standard European S1 form issued by the relevant health insurance fund in your home country.
- Matrícula (confirmation of enrolment) at a accredited educational establishment
- Proof of comprehensive health insurance (public or private). The European Health Insurance Card, which is valid for the entire period of residence, is sufficient.
- a responsible declaration that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members for the duration of stay in Spain.
Proof of participation in an EU programme that promotes educational exchanges for students and teachers is considered sufficient to fulfil these requirements.
Family members of the EU citizen:
- Proof of the family relationship with the EU citizen (Marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.)
- Proof of economic dependence, if needed: Maintenance payments, cohabitation in the country of origin, proof of serious health reasons
- Registration certificate of the EU citizen they are accompanying or joining or proof that the EU citizen is self-employed or employed or, if not working or a student, that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members and health insurance.
Important Note
I have mentioned here the documents that are officially required by law. However, the responsible authorities may require additional documents, such as the registration at the town hall (“empadronamiento”) or even less.
What resources are recognised as sufficient (type and amount)?
Art. 7 Real Decreto 240/2007 and Art. 3 Order PRE/1490/2012
Type of documentation:
Proof of resources can be provided by:
- regular income (labour, capital or other types of income) or
- possession of assets (e.g. proof of ownership, certified cheque or credit card with bank confirmation showing available credit or savings accounts or proof of account balance)
Pensioners, for instance: Proof by means of notice of pension granted (translated into Spanish and usually certified)
Sufficient amount of financial means:
According to the law, there is no fixed amount. The sufficiency of resources must be assessed on an individual basis, taking into account the personal and family circumstances of the person concerned.
The resources are considered sufficient if they exceed the amount of a non-contributory pension in Spain. This amount is determined each year by the law on the general state budget (“Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado”).
non-contributory pension for 2025 | 7.905,80 € per year | 564,70 € per month |
All these amounts refer to single persons. The amounts increase if you live with family members in the same household. Depending on the number of family members and the family relationship.
Amount of resources when living together with family members in a household:
1.) with a spouse or 2nd degree blood relative:
The resources increase by 70/100 of the minimum income for each additional person in the household
- Annual increase: 5.534,06 €
- Monthly increase: 395,29 €
The resources are sufficient if they are above the following amount:
Year: 2025 | annual | monthly |
2 Persons | 13.439,86 € | 960,- € |
3 Persons | 18.976,92 € | 1.355,28 € |
4 Persons | 24.508,- € | 1.750,57 € |
2.) with descendants (children) or first-degree relatives (parents):
The required amount of resources is 2.5 times the amount in the table in point 1.):
Year: 2025 | annual | monthly |
2 Persons | 33.599,65 € | 2.400,- € |
3 Persons | 47.434,80 € | 3.388,20 € |
4 Persons | 61.270,- € | 4.376,43 € |
Important note
The amounts mentioned serve only as an orientation for determining sufficient resources. The exact amounts may vary depending on the case and the responsible authority.
In general, for single persons, proof of regular income of 565,- € per month or proof of possession of assets amounting to 7.906,- € is recognised sufficient (Status 2025).
Is it necessary to translate foreign documents?
Foreign public documents must usually be translated into Spanish or into the language that is also recognised by the authorities in an autonomous community (“Comunidad Autónoma”) in Spain.
Required translations must be carried out by a sworn interpreter authorised in Spain.
A legalisation or a Hague Apostille may also be necessary.
Certain public documents are exempt from legalisation or apostillisation in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/1191.
In this case it is sufficient to attach a multilingual standard EU form as a translation aid.
With translayte you find a professional translation service with a simple ordering process, competitive prices and a short delivery time. Order your translations directly here:
Is an appointment needed for registering?
At the moment yes.
Appointments can be made via
- Internet: “Cita previa de extranjería” on the website of the public administration (“sede electrónica de las administraciones públicas “). To do this, select the province in which you live and follow the instructions. If the corresponding procedure is not displayed, it is not possible to make an appointment online.
- Telephone: 060 (number of the General State Administration) or the appropriate number of the authority where you carry out the application.
Tip: Before you go to the authority, make sure that you have all the necessary documents for the application. It can take time to get a new appointment.
How long does the procedure take?
Once the fee has been paid and the requirements for registration have been verified, the registration certificate (“Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión”) will be issued to you immediately on the spot.
As this certificate does not contain a photo, it is only officially valid with an identity card or passport.
How long do I have the right to reside in Spain?
The right of residence is initially limited to 5 years. This is why it is also described as temporary residency (“residencia temporal“).
After an uninterrupted and legal residency of 5 years in Spain, you have the right to live permanently in Spain. Art. 10 Real Decreto 240/2007
If you wish, you can then apply for the certificate of permanent residence (“residencia permanente”).
Do I have to report changes?
Yes, you must notify any changes relating to your nationality, marital status or address to the relevant authority where you reside. Art. 14 Real Decreto 240/2007
Can I lose my right of residence?
EU citizens and their family members enjoy the right of residence (established by Art. 7, 8, 9 Real Decreto 240/2007 ) as long as they fulfil the necessary requirements. Art. 9 bis Real Decreto 240/2007
In special cases, where there are reasonable doubts, the relevant authorities may verify the fulfilment of the said conditions. Verification is not carried out systematically.
The use of social assistance (“asistencia social”) in Spain by EU citizens or their family members does not automatically lead to expulsion.
Under no circumstances can EU citizens or their family members be expelled if they
- are employed or self-employed workers in Spain or
- are looking for work in Spain (in this case, they must prove that they are still looking for work and that there is a real possibility of a work contract).
What are the advantages or disadvantages of registering?
- When you register, you will get a registration certificate which confirms your right to live in Spain. Failure to comply with the registration requirement can be penalised with sanctions.
- With the registration certificate you will also get the N.I.E. number (“Número de Identificación de Extranjeros”), which is essential for most formalities in Spain (e.g. buying a car or house,…).
- It is the basic requirement for the right to public healthcare in Spain.
- Pensioners, for example, who live habitually in Spain have access to medical care through the state health insurance system.
- By registering as a “residente”, you are considered administratively resident in Spain and are treated by the tax authorities as a potential tax resident.
- After 2 years of legal residency in Spain you have to exchange your permanent driving licence into a Spanish driving licence.
- On the Canary Islands: Discounts on entrance to many leisure parks and on flight and ferry tickets to the Spanish mainland and other islands.
- On the Balearic Islands: The municipalities offer their citizens a variety of discounts (for example in museums, swimming pools, local transport) and discounts on travelling within Spain
You must register not only on the central register of foreign nationals but also with your local town hall (“empadronamiento”).
You can get more information in my specialist article The right way to register your address in Spain: padrón
Hallo, vielen lieben Dank für diese informative Website.
Bekommt man mit der Ausstellung der Residencia auch eine Scheckkarte?
Liebe Grüße
Hallo, das hängt von der Autonomen Region ab. LG mag wilhelm
Tolle Webseite und infos!!
Habe eine kurze Frage:
Was stimmt mit der Mindest Rente für 2023? 10.963,- € jährl. oder 783,- € mtl. …….. (783 X 12 ergibt nur 9.396,- €)?
Viele Grüße aus Palma!
hola, vielen Dank. In Spanien wird die Rente 14x pro Jahr ausbezahlt. LG mag wilhelm
Lieber Herr Mag,
ich kann mich allen hier nur anschliessen. Ihre Informationen helfen ungemein weiter, vor allem wenn man die Sprache erst anfängt zu lernen wie ich. Ich habe mit Ihrer Hilfe die für meine Anmeldung zur Residenz ausgefüllt. Nun habe ich noch eine Frage. Ich melde mich jetzt als „Autonomo“ an, weil ich wieder als Selbständige anfange zu arbeiten (Tätigkeit aufnehme / Okt. 2023). Ich habe mich im letzten Jahr on-off in Spanien & Deutschland aufgehalten habe aber nicht Selbständig gearbeitet und von meinen eigenen finanziellen Mitteln und privater spanischer Krankenkasse gelebt und kein Einkommen gehabt bzw. verdient. Wenn ich mich jetzt als „Autonome“ anmelde kann ich dann in meinem Fall noch rückwirkend um Sozialleistungen in Spanien gebeten werden? Ich frage daher, weil ich im letzten Jahr in Deutschland auch noch gesetzlich Krankenversichert war, jedoch für das letzte Jahr nach den Rechtsvorschriften über soziale Leistungen in Spanien festgelegt werde, da ich in Spanien mehr als 25% meiner Zeit (Selbständig ohne Arbeit) verbracht habe. Ist es ggf. besser sich nicht anzumelden als „autonomo“ da ich ja privat sozial versorgt war/bin?
Hola, freut mich, wenn Ihnen meine Fachbeiträge helfe. Für individuelle und spezielle Fragen dieser Art stehe ich Ihnen gerne mit meinen Hilfsangebot zur Verfügung. Dort helfe ich Ihnen gerne kompetent weiter. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis. LG mag wilhelm
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir möchten gerne unsere negative Erfahrungen in Sachen Registro de ciudadanos EU in Asturien mitteilen. Wir haben eine gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe zwischen deutschen und finnischen Staatsbürger und besitzen eine Wohnung in Asturien (ohne finanzielle Belastungen). Wir sind gerade nach Spanien ausgewandert aber jetzt droht uns die Abschiebung (wohin?). Ich habe monatliche Rente von 3080 Euro und mein Gatte knapp 600 Euro sowie Ersparnisse aus ausländische und Spanische Konten (insgesamt eine beträchtliche Summe) Wir haben „convenio especial“ für Ehegatte als Krankasse und auch zwei Mal spanische private Krankenkasse. Mein Gatte hat versucht heute sich in Registro EU Einschreiben lassen aber wurde momentan abgelehnt mit dem Satz: „usted es un cargo para estado“ (sie sind eine Belastung für den Staat). Ich habe ein Termin in ein paar Tagen und versuche mit meinen finanziellen Mitteln und Versicherungen noch eine positive Entscheidung zubekommen sonst müssen wir wohl alles verkaufen und auswandern! wir wollten unsere Erfahrungen mitteilen besonders für EU Mittbürger die möglicherweise nach Asturien / Nordspanien auswandern wollen. Sie sollten es sich sehr genau überlegen. Wir beide sprechen spanisch akzentfrei und fließend.Für alle Nordeuropäer die diesen Schritt erwägen wollen sollten Sie momentan sehr überlegen besonders da politische Lage Spanien sehr schnell verschlechtert hat. Mit lieben Grüßen!